Tuesday, December 3, 2013

I just got this in my e-mail.  Yes, it's cheesy.  But hot damn I am so stoked about FSU's football season.  Thought I would re-post.

Holiday Cheer:

‘Twas the night after Auburn

And all through the land,

Not a “Roll Tide” was uttered

By a Crimson Tide fan.

They use to be boisterous,

They use to be loud,

They use to be cocky,

They use to be proud.

But they lost all their swagger,

They lost all their swing.

For one little second

Had changed everything.

The score it was even.

The clock had run dry.

When Nicholas Saban

Then started to cry.

He demanded a second

Be put on the clock.

The worse that could happen,

A miss or a block?

But fate it is fickle,

And greed has a price,

And what happened next

Just wasn’t too nice.

His kicker’s performance

Was one of pure shame,

So he put a green rookie

Right into the game.

The kick was a boomer

Of 56 yards,

But the extra yard needed

Was not in the cards.

And back in the end zone

A lone Tiger stood.

He caught that ol’ football,

He caught it real good.

He started to run,

He heard the cheers grow.

The Crimson Tide offence,

Too Fat and too Slow.

One hundred and nine

He ran for a score.

If needed he could have

Ran one hundred more.

The crowd it erupted

While storming the field.

The Crimson Tide’s season

Was settled and sealed.

A cry of “War Eagle”

Soon echoed the plain.

Nick Saban’s expression

Was one of pure pain.

And in Tuscaloosa

You could hear a pin drop.

And in Tallahassee


For the night after Auburn

The Tide does not roll.

The new BOSS in town,



Thursday, August 15, 2013

Football, Lion dogs, and my "Top Chef" addiction

I apologize for my rambling.  My mind is like a grasshopper today.  These are some of the thoughts that have crossed my cranium in the last few hours.

On college football:

 I am not sure if this is actually Morgan Freeman or not, but if it is, this is officially the baddest FSU promo EVER.

If you have been reading this blog, you already know that I am a college football aficionado. Okay, to be fair, "fanatic" might be more accurate.  It has been a rough ride for FSU fans the past few decades.  Florida State spent the 90s kicking serious ass, the first decade of 2000 basically sucking, and the last decade being fairly ordinary.  To have Morgan Freeman's awesomeness gracing an FSU promo is nothing short of a sign from a benevolent deity that FSU football is indeed back in a big way. (And please, O fickle sprites of football, do NOT use the previous statement as a means to jinx my beloved Seminoles.)

Lion dogs:

I am not making this up.  Apparently a Chinese zoo tried to pass off a Tibetan mastiff as an African lion.  Granted, Tibetan mastiffs are the size of freaking direwolves It was also a lovable, extra-cuddly Tibetan mastiff. But seriously--big-ass dog doesn't equal big-ass cat.  You can read about it here.

Top Chef:  
I am an unabashed Top Chef lover.  Bravo has put forth a quality reality competition series with a minimum of drama.  There are moments of snark, of course.  Michael Voltaggio grousing about Kevin Gillespie was fairly bitchy.  Marcel Vigneron was an arrogant, wormy, catty (albeit talented) Jack-Russell sized annoyance.  Anthony Bourdain, who often served as a judge on the show, was an unrepentant and brutal critic, often reducing these young gastronomes to quivering children. (I love him--gravelly-voiced, lanky, master of sarcasm that he is.)

That being said, Top Chef has been one of the most powerful vehicles for launching new culinary talent in the last decade.  The charming and engaging Tom Colicchio delivers a sense of versimilitude weekly to a show that could easily plummet into the ridiculous abyss of other competition shows. 

There are plenty of cheftestants each season whose talent is mediocre, at best.  They seem to be workhorses with little natural talent; often they manage to plod through episode after episode simply by managing to stay off the judges' radar.  We have also all witnessed brilliant young talents that have gone home far too soon. 

The power of Top Chef lies simply in its ability to engage the viewer with the natural drama that watching untapped talent brings forth.  We never know if the truly talented folks will succeed or if the pedestrian chefs will manage to muddle through.  I was heartbroken when Kevin Gillespie, that humble and gifted son of Atlanta, lost in the sixth season finale. Yet I couldn't help but agree with the judges' choice as that epicurean virtuoso, Michael Voltaggio, created a transcendent menu. The genius of Top Chef is simply this--it creates a bridge, however tenuous, between the ordinary world of the customer and that of the chef.  And that bridge is lined with truly incredible food.
And finally, crap that made me laugh today.

Dating in the Star Wars universe is a bitch.

Reason #6,782 why gay men are awesome.

Have You Heard of This New Technology?

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

I think my cat is bulimic.

I currently am the parent to three pets--two cats that tolerate actively plan each other’s demise each other and an enthusiastic food whore of a dog.  

One cat, Cordelia, actively enjoys vomiting.  She particularly likes to spew (a)during the wee hours of the morning; (b)on clean laundry; and (c)in spots where I won't find it.  She actually has mad skills when it comes to barfing.  If there were an Olympic event for targeted puking, she would win the gold, hands down. I have found vomit behind our 6.5 megaton computer desk.  I have found it under the bathroom rug. (Which means that this damn cat is intelligent and duplicitous enough to attempt to hide her kitty purging.) I have found it in a pair of my sneakers.  (Blech.  That was a fairly disgusting wake-up call.) Apparently carpeting makes cats nauseated.  My tile will remain pristine for weeks.  (Okay, that’s a lie.  I only mop when the dog hair starts to pile up in the corners of my kitchen.)   I swear she knows when I have just vacuumed; within seconds a fresh bout of feline heaving begins.  I have become resigned to the stains in my carpet and to the fact that my cat seems to be bulimic.

She also has an obsession with closed doors.  If any door in the house is closed it immediately becomes like an exclusive kitty nightclub.  She MUST get inside.  If the door is not amenable (i.e., I don’t jump up and open it for her) the scratching begins.  *scritchscritchscritchscritch* (Cat waits several seconds.) *scritchscritchSCRITCHscritchSCRITCHSCRITCHSCRITCH* If there is still no response from her lackey owner, the cat then goes into full-on psycho kitty mode.  Her little paws move so quickly that they are little more than tortoiseshell blurs.  This is even more exciting at 2:30 a.m. during the work week; but then she also adds the ding-dong-ditch element to this little game.  I am a light sleeper.  After trying to ignore the scrabbling for several minutes, I stomp to the door ready to kick some kitty a&@.   Ostensibly the cat has planned for this—as soon as I open the door the cat bolts down the hall.  I swear that she is also snickering at me as she does this, but Kevin says I have an overactive imagination. Hmph.

The other cat, Bally, has a Buddhaesque physique and a charming personality.  He begins to purr the second you pick him up which makes it very difficult to scold him.  Bally spent most of his kittenhood attacking Cordelia--who is about a year older.   It was fairly amusing at the time despite Cordelia's obvious discomfiture.  The pet gods apparently decided that Bally needed his comeuppance.  (Either that, or Cordelia sacrificed a bird/squirrel/mole to the kitty voodoo gods.)

We adopted a rescue dog, Zack, last year.  He has decided that the cats need to be his best friends.  The cats were not too keen on this idea; therefore, Zack spends a great deal of his day chasing down the cats in a fruitless attempt to make them play with him.  Cordelia, clever little minion of Beelzebub that she is, shut down this behavior within 2 days of Zack’s arrival with a badass, ninja-like presentation of her claw skills.  Bally, on the other hand, is far too tubby to move so quickly and thus has to endure Zack’s ministrations.  Kevin and I call this karma.  Cordelia sits loftily atop of her perch on the sofa and witnesses laughs her ass off at Bally’s plight.  Zack, of course, is oblivious to the cat’s obvious reticence.  He bounds merrily after Bally day after day despite Bally’s constant attempts to rebuff him.

My animals are all kinds of insane.  And frankly, I wouldn’t have them any other way.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Random crap I thought about today.

On my phone's navigation system:

 I really love the idea of a GPS.  I love that my phone has navigation; mostly because I can get lost in my own damn neighborhood.  (No, it's true--I have the sense of direction of a drunken toddler.)  I would like to know, however, who picked the voice for my phone's navigation system.  Not only is the bitch impatient as all get-out, but what is with the TONE she gets?!

Navigation chick:  "In 300 feet, turn left onto State Road 575."

At this point I am dutifully in the turn lane with blinker on.  LESS THAN FIVE SECONDS LATER: "Turn left onto State Road 575."  And again.  Apparently the concept of the red light has escaped the makers of my phone's navigation system.  

At this point I am shouting obscenities at the phone. "Shut up shut up shut up, you inanimate tramp!"

Speaking of which, they switched the navigation app on my phone to Google maps.  I have nothing against Google maps, but they have made it about 6.2 billion times more difficult to get directions.  It takes longer to pull the damn thing up than to  actually drive there.  Sorry--I'm rambling.

Back to the bitchy GPS lady.  If you decide that you would like to take another route, God forbid.  She gets this snarky, self-important, passive-aggressive attitude.

 "Make a U-turn where possible." You keep driving, of course. 

 "Make a U-turn where possible."  

After about the third repeat of the SAME DAMN set of instructions, she finally sighs and says in this resigned tone, "Recalculating." (Okay, she doesn't actually sigh, but the implication is there.)  Honestly, Android programmers--there are enough bitchy, passive-aggressive women out there.  Did you have to make the voice on my phone's navigation system just like them?!

On the royal baby:

Honestly, I could give a tiny rat's ass about most babies.  I just was not born with the gooey motherhood gene.  I will admire my friends' babies for as long as social obligations expect one to admire a baby.   I will even go to their showers/birthday parties and bring an appropriate gift.  I will even lie my ass off and tell you your baby is cute even if the child looks like a weeny, peach-colored Komodo dragon.  But I do reserve the right to smack you if you name the child something stupid.

Thank you, Kate Middleton, for giving your child a normal name. You did not name him after a fruit, a geographical location, or a direction.  (Thank you also for not giving us any footage of the actual birth.  I'm sorry, but ain't nobody got time--or the stomach--for that.)  Seriously.  NEVER make your friends watch your birthing video.  I love my girlfriends but I have no desire to watch their uterus explode as their spawn exits screaming out of it.

And in an entirely unrelated note, the new Pope is awesome!

funny pictures and videos of the day 

And to wrap up--

Crap that made me laugh today:

Saturday, July 27, 2013

I can never be a smartass when I want to.

The French have a term for the feeling one gets for discovering the perfect verbal riposte after the fact.  It is called 'l'esprit de l'escalier" or "spirit of the staircase".  Today for your viewing pleasure I have re-created conversations because I am that awesome (And by "awesome" I mean neurotic) in which I come out on top.  Feel free to insert your own "oh, snap" or "Oh, no she dih-ihnt" here. 

For example, me yelling at our dog, Zack for chasing the cats for the gazillionth time.
Me: Zack, Godammit!  Leave the cat alone!
Zack: *blinkblink* *lick*
He then proceeds to give me this look that says,"But but I'm a rescue and I've been so abused and I just want some fun in my pitiful life."
Me: D'awwww. *scratches dog's ears*

What I obviously should have said was, "No! Bad dog! Go lay down!"  Admittedly not very original or witty but at least I didn't get bested by a dog..

Conversation with  police officer who pulled me over for speeding.  Ironically, I was a DD on new Year's Eve.  People that were obviously hammered were driving by laughing their asses off.

Police officer: *giving me the steely officer glare* Do you know how fast you were going?
Me: (At this point I really had to pee and just wanted to get this over with.) *gulp* Er, no.
Police officer: I clocked you going 55.  The speed limit on this road is 45. Have you been drinking?
Me:  Eep.  No, sir.  I was the DD for a group of my friends tonight.
Police officer:  That's very responsible of you. (Issues ticket anyway.)

If I was going to get a damn ticket anyway, I should have said:

Police officer:  Do you know how fast you were going?
Me:  No, I didn't have my radar detector plugged in.

Thank you!  I'll be here all week!

And here is crap that made me laugh today.

Yeah? The maple kind?  I actually discovered this a few years ago but it still makes me laugh.

Every dog ever.
I noticed you havent touched your sandwhich for the past 20 seconds Are you eating that or not

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

I really miss Mr. Rogers.

I started reading D.J. Paris’ blog this morning.  He is a snarky, well-intentioned, self-confessed dork (honestly, who isn’t?) with a literate and waggish blog.  He made an otherwise unproductive morning even less productive—but at least I had a giggle.

I have my own snark to vent this morning.  It is simply this: hey, internet—stop making stupid people famous!  It’s like television executives are at their weekly meetings saying, “Hey—that’s a thing.  Let’s make a show about it!”

I swear to Christ, I will be overjoyed when I stop seeing the damn Kardashians on every magazine cover.  Never has a family with less moral fiber and more inanity been put on public display.  I am no model of moral turpitude.  Honestly, y’all, one of my lifetime goals is to piss enough people off to have the Westboro Baptist Church protest me.  That would be awesome.  But I digress.  I am convinced that the fame (infamy?) of the Kardashian clan is one of the seven signs of Armageddon.  I tried watching an episode of the Kardashians.  My brain started crawling out of my ears in protest. I had to watch four straight episodes of Into the Wormhole in order to regain a sense of proportion and keep my grey matter intact. The only saving grace in this whole surreal non-reality is that previous overrated fame whore Paris Hilton seems to have stepped out of the limelight.

And Honey Boo-Boo—WTF?!  The child is seven, for the love of God, and she has a hitherto-unknown version of English.  I live in Georgia.  I have a brain (at least that part which I didn’t kill off with collegiate, alcohol-fueled antics) and these idiots are some of the scariest ambassadors for an already beleaguered state. We could have televised a biography of the many brilliant and capable people that hail from Georgia; for example, Deforest Kelley, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Ray Charles, or Alice Walker.  Nope.  We chose an illiterate exemplar of Southern humanity instead.  Way to go, TLC.  What exactly are we supposed to learn from this show?

Jersey Shore, My Super Sweet 16, Bad Girls Club, ad nauseum.  When did it become not only normal, but desirable, to act like a succubus in heroin withdrawal?  Most of these people just need a good ass kicking.  Or maybe we can make justified homicide legal, a la The Purge.  It wouldn’t be so bad if there were just a few of these inaccurately-labeled “reality” shows on television.  The problem is that there seem to be more and more of them every season.  

There are a few of these shows that have some artistic or entertainment value.  I will freely admit to being a Top Chef whore.  Partially because Michael Voltaggio is frankly yummy (if a bit of a tool) and partially because the cheftestants (barf) must possess actual talent to be considered.  I also have a minor Deadliest Catch and American Pickers addiction.  But as television goes further and further into the land of heinous crap moronic buffoonery, I will dive further into Doctor Who, House of Cards, and Downton Abbey reruns.  I know I am not alone. At least, dear God, I hope so.

Crap that made me laugh today.

Someone at Wendy's is a jokester.  Or a Satanist.  

Monday, July 22, 2013

It's NOT whiskers on kittens.

So I have been reading the brilliant Jenny Lawson's blog.  She posted a query about your favorite things of the year.  This is in honor of Oprah, who used to do a yearly show in which she would discuss her favorite things of each year.  Genius, really.  I wish I had thought of it.  Regardless, this is my list thus far:

(1) Nedhardy.com--a brilliant assemblage of the best of the web on any given day.

(2) Neil Gaiman (duh.)  He is pretty much permanently affixed to this list.

(3)Christophe Moroccan Argan oil hair treatment--leaves my hair satiny and manageable.

(4) Pieter Nooten "Sleeps with the Fishes" GORGEOUS album.  Go and buy it nownownow.

(5) sushi (again, duh.) I love the nostril burn after you sucked down too much wasabi.  Thank you, Japan.

(6)Earl Grey tea--Bergamot-scented deliciousness.

(7)Pineapple lumps--damn near impossible to find in the States, but this candy is proof of a benevolent deity.

(8)Failblog.com--If you ever need to feel better about yourself (or if you just need a good chuckle) this website is the most ingenious timesuck to ever grace the annals of the internet.

(9)Twitter--who invented this crack?!

(10)My dog's happy puppy dance when I get home from work.  This is also a permanent member of this list.

(11) "Best of Sinatra" CDs.  I have found that it is impossible to be in a bad mood while listening to Frank.  Seriously.  You start doing the Sammy Davis head bob and snap.  Within seconds you are inexplicably belting out "Chicago" like a cracked-out cabaret singer.  It's awesome.

Curse you, Kindle.

I got a Kindle for Christmas.  This is both a good and a bad thing.  It's good because I have now been exposed to a wide variety of books that I would either have ignored or would never have discovered on my own.  It's bad because many of the "Kindle editions" of these books have a ton of errors.  These blunders and oversights drive me up a wall.  I discovered that Laurell K. Hamilton has a very tenuous grasp of grammar and sentence structure--which also drives me nuts. I'm glad that I didn't pay full price for her books--I would have been annoyed.  I know that Ms. Hamilton has legions of fans, all of whom will probably burn me in effigy.  While I can appreciate her creative powers, I feel that her writing is not strong enough to merit her success.  To be fair, though, Laurell K. Hamilton is still much more palatable than that minion of Satan, Stephenie Meyer.  To say that her books are execrable is being kind.  (Stephen King agrees with me.  So there.) 

 I love the convenience of the Kindle and I love that Amazon makes suggestions for me; however, I also will always be an advocate for paper-and-ink books.  There is something so innately satisfying about opening that brand-new book from the store.  I love the slightly musty odor of old books from the library.  I particularly like purchasing books from a used bookstore.  It is always fascinating to see dog-eared, inscribed old editions of classic books. You can see where previous readers stopped reading and where they enjoyed a particular passage. I also like to make up stories in my head about the previous owners.  Why did they get rid of the book?  Did they leave it on a train somewhere in Europe and it ended up here?  Was it stolen from them in some kind of misguided literary mugging?

I just finished "Let's Pretend This Never Happened" by Jenny Lawson.  I need to try to make all men read this book.  I now know that I am not the only one who is a little, ahem, eccentric.  The bizarre conversations with which she torments her husband sound eerily like many of the conversations I have had with my significant other.  He is convinced I'm nuts.  While this is technically correct, he needs to know that ALL women are nuts.  It's not just me.

In an effort to help fellow readers out there, I have compiled a list of the good and the bad that I have stumbled upon via Amazon and the Kindle.

The Good: (and some awesome)
  1. "Let's Pretend This Never Happened", Jenny Lawson Hysterical and poignant all at once--quite a feat.
  2. "Ready Player One", Ernest Cline Very creative--a combo of a love story to the eighties and  William Gibson- influenced techno thriller.
  3. "Wool", Hugh Howey
  4. anything by Jim Butcher
  5. "Fire and Hemlock", Diana Wynne Jones This book is gorgeous.  Go and buy it nownownow.
  6. "Snow White and Rose Red" Patricia C. Wrede
  7. "Dare Me", Megan Abbott
The Bad:

  1. "Manifesting Mr. Right", Caitlin McKenna.  I am all for cheesy chick lit, but this was just bad.  Bland, trite, and predictable.
  2. "The Bitch-Proof Suit", De-Ann Black  Ditto.
  3. "Heart's Blood", Carolyn McCray.  Blech.
  4. "Incubus Dreams", Laurell K. Hamilton To be fair, I did like the first few of the Anita Black series despite Ms. Hamilton's flawed writing.  At this point, though, she is just going through the motions.  Formulaic.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Damn, I Miss College Football Already.

I am convinced that Hell is a place without football. If God wanted to punish me, and I'm pretty sure that I already have a handbasket somewhere with the name on it, he would put me in a sports bar with nothing but bowling and badminton available on the TVs. We all know that God is a football fan. There certainly is a lot of prayer going on when the home team is behind in the fourth quarter.

God would not have given us Tom Brady or David Beckham if he did not mean for us to watch the game. These men are far too pretty to be wasted languishing in the mud; they are meant to be on national television preferably without their shirts. I'm not prejudiced here--I am an equal-opportunity football lover, whether it be college, pro, or World Cup Soccer. (We Yanks call it soccer. Just an FYI to the ignorant out there--soccer/football is one of the most popular sports on earth. Proponents have been known to cause riots and ludicrous behavior in even the most stodgy, stiffupper-lip Englishman.) Personally, I look forward to football season with the type of stomach-churning fervor heretofore only seen by sugar-crazed toddlers on Christmas Day. Football is the best sport on earth.

First of all, for those of us living in the weather hellhole known as the Deep South, the weather during football season is excellent. We get our first taste of fall with glorious, crisp, sunny days and cool nights. The ferocious African jungle-style heat has finally diminished and we are left with weather patterns that behave in an astonishing, Camelot-like fashion. You can actually sit outside in the middle of the afternoon and enjoy the day without spontaneously combusting. This is otherwise impossible to do during the ravages of summer in the South.

Football season also signals some of the greatest celebrations of the year. Anyone who has attended the massive, drunken hysteria of the Sugar Bowl or the Florida-Georgia game in Jacksonville can attest to the Mardi-Gras style debauchery that accompanies these events. Crazed people stagger haphazardly through the streets, slavering at the idea of warm draft beer and congealed nachos. (And that's just the locals.) Some of the people that travel to these events don't even possess tickets--they are just there to enjoy the monumental, inebriated pep rally surrounding it. In what other sport do we see fans standing around in freezing weather, painted up and liquored up? We get to watch sixty minutes of enormous, muscular men beating the bejeezus out of one another in the name of sportsmanship. (This body-painting phenomenon seems to be especially popular with large, beer-bellied men in Northern climes. If you have ever seen a Packers or Patriots game, you have seen this species. They tend to be half-dressed, painted in team colors, drunk as a tinkler's dam, and yelling their fool heads off. It's fabulous.) Football can also lead to some interesting and costly bar fights, particularly among the alumni of competing schools, but that is another story altogether. I don't have enough time to relate the utter insanity of London after an Arsenal victory. Or a Gunners' loss. Whichever. Londoners employ any opportunity to get hammered on strong beer and yell at one another.

During football season we get the best holidays: Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's Eve. As if these holidays were not enough for any one person, we have Super Bowl Sunday to cap it all off at the end. The local police probably loathe Super Bowl Sunday. It means that even the meekest of social drinkers will put
away enough beer to feel an elephant. I have seen adorable, well-bred Southern belles turn into roaring, drink-befuddled hussies when their team loses a game. I have actually witnessed well-educated men engage in Mike Tysonesque fisticuffs over a penalty. Without football, what else would we have to discuss on Monday mornings with our co-workers?

The superlative thing about football is this--it gives us all one last chance. There is always another season, another down, or another half to anticipate. We can recollect our own days out on the gridiron, or merely mentally place ourselves, Walter Mitty style, in that moment of glory when a hail Mary pass, against all the
laws of physics, leads to a game-winning touchdown. College football in particular gives us all a chance to relive that one exceptional moment that defines us. A graduating senior that kicked the field goal that won the Rose Bowl can forever relive that moment as he trudges to his job in the firm of Snooze, Bland, Boring and Trite, LLC. Most of the kids playing in the NCAA will not get a shot at the pros. Even for those fortunate enough to become a vaunted member of the big leagues, college sports is their one opportunity to make a mark before money, fame, and the media corrupt them. College sports are about making a moment based solely on love of the game.

For those of you poor souls that didn't get the opportunity to attend a big football school, you honestly cannot fathom the carnival atmosphere that precedes any game. It is one of the best parties in the world because you can guarantee that you have something in common with at least half the attendees. Stand outside Death Valley in Clemson or the Swamp at UF on a Saturday night. The fervor is palpable, the excitement as sharp and clear as a beacon. Football is ritualistic. Football is tribal in the primitive sense of the word. It can bring out the best in its fans. For example, look at the support and respect the LSU players got the first day they took the field after Hurricane Katrina. I have seen grown men reduced to tears or writhing in ecstasy. We have all seen couples get engaged at a football match. Their love of the game commingles with their love for one another.

Football can also lead to fights, brutality, and vandalism. Despite this, football can embody the best of human culture. For that one day, we are concordant and united with a common hope. Football is a splendid celebration of what human culture can be at its best--an example of competition, fair play, and unity. In short, football gives all of us a chance to win, however vicariously, and that is something that is all too rare. God is indeed a football fan because he knows for those three hours we are thinking of something other than ourselves.