Monday, July 22, 2013

It's NOT whiskers on kittens.

So I have been reading the brilliant Jenny Lawson's blog.  She posted a query about your favorite things of the year.  This is in honor of Oprah, who used to do a yearly show in which she would discuss her favorite things of each year.  Genius, really.  I wish I had thought of it.  Regardless, this is my list thus far:

(1) brilliant assemblage of the best of the web on any given day.

(2) Neil Gaiman (duh.)  He is pretty much permanently affixed to this list.

(3)Christophe Moroccan Argan oil hair treatment--leaves my hair satiny and manageable.

(4) Pieter Nooten "Sleeps with the Fishes" GORGEOUS album.  Go and buy it nownownow.

(5) sushi (again, duh.) I love the nostril burn after you sucked down too much wasabi.  Thank you, Japan.

(6)Earl Grey tea--Bergamot-scented deliciousness.

(7)Pineapple lumps--damn near impossible to find in the States, but this candy is proof of a benevolent deity.

(8) you ever need to feel better about yourself (or if you just need a good chuckle) this website is the most ingenious timesuck to ever grace the annals of the internet.

(9)Twitter--who invented this crack?!

(10)My dog's happy puppy dance when I get home from work.  This is also a permanent member of this list.

(11) "Best of Sinatra" CDs.  I have found that it is impossible to be in a bad mood while listening to Frank.  Seriously.  You start doing the Sammy Davis head bob and snap.  Within seconds you are inexplicably belting out "Chicago" like a cracked-out cabaret singer.  It's awesome.

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