Thursday, August 7, 2014

Review of "The Great British Date Off" by Sheila Brady

Just--meh.  I adore dry British wit, so therefore had high hopes for this.  Hopes dashed again.  If you are going to advertise comedy on the cover, make sure it's there.  There were also myriad errors throughout the text.  These mistakes could certainly be limited to the electronic version so I won't grind on about them despite the fact they annoyed the bejeezus out of me.  The main character was neurotic and dull and wouldn't shut UP about the fact that she used to be fat and plain until she emerged swanlike halfway through secondary school.  The fact that she is THIRTY YEARS OLD seems to have no effect on her whining about her life as a former ugly girl. The characters were wooden and stereotypical with all of the tropes thrown in for good measure.  The author also couldn't seem to figure out how to end the damn thing.  Frankly, a comedy should leave one feeling good about the ending.  I was just grateful that it ended.

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