Thursday, February 20, 2014

Crap that Annoys Me (Version 2.1)

Today’s blog post will mainly be about things that vex or confuse me and my misbegotten attempts to comprehend them.

  1.   Is there some kind of vast rumor going around that using turn signals causes AIDS?  Their usage seems to have all but disappeared and it annoys the bejeezus out of me.  Is this just a metro Atlanta phenomenon?  Perhaps the youth of today have heard that turn signals are only for squares. Am I just a well-intentioned, unhip throwback to happier days with less car crashes?
  2.   Can someone please explain the appeal of nauseating chick flicks?  Am I the only female in America that not only avoids them like the plague, but actively LOATHES them?  There are, of course, certain noteworthy exceptions to this.  There are movies that appeal more to the female population that are intelligent and yes, romantic, without being sappy or predictable.  To wit: Breakfast at Tiffany’s; Before Sunrise (the whole franchise, really); The Princess Bride; Chocolat; Love, Actually; and the Colin Firth version of Pride and Prejudice. (Ladies--click on this.  Just trust me.)  Stoppit already, Nicholas Sparks.   I’ve had enough.     
  3. I am starting to get homicidal regarding Chronic Facebook Posters.  I am not being hypocritical—yes, I use Facebook, and yes, I post things.  The folks that chap my ass are the ones that cannot go a day without describing their trip to the dentist, their lunch, the cute thing their kid/pet/husband did (which are never that cute), or their mood every hour.  I have taken these idiots off of my news feed, but new ones keep sneaking in.

(         4.  Why this is necessary.    I think it is supposed to be a telephone table, but I could be wrong.

And this year’s FIRST official installment of Crap that Made me Laugh Today.

I wonder what is under his kilt. *winkwink*

Nice to see the BBC has a sense of humor

I think I love this restaurant owner.  Too bad they live in the Arctic.
Any Day Now

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