Tuesday, December 3, 2013

I just got this in my e-mail.  Yes, it's cheesy.  But hot damn I am so stoked about FSU's football season.  Thought I would re-post.

Holiday Cheer:

‘Twas the night after Auburn

And all through the land,

Not a “Roll Tide” was uttered

By a Crimson Tide fan.

They use to be boisterous,

They use to be loud,

They use to be cocky,

They use to be proud.

But they lost all their swagger,

They lost all their swing.

For one little second

Had changed everything.

The score it was even.

The clock had run dry.

When Nicholas Saban

Then started to cry.

He demanded a second

Be put on the clock.

The worse that could happen,

A miss or a block?

But fate it is fickle,

And greed has a price,

And what happened next

Just wasn’t too nice.

His kicker’s performance

Was one of pure shame,

So he put a green rookie

Right into the game.

The kick was a boomer

Of 56 yards,

But the extra yard needed

Was not in the cards.

And back in the end zone

A lone Tiger stood.

He caught that ol’ football,

He caught it real good.

He started to run,

He heard the cheers grow.

The Crimson Tide offence,

Too Fat and too Slow.

One hundred and nine

He ran for a score.

If needed he could have

Ran one hundred more.

The crowd it erupted

While storming the field.

The Crimson Tide’s season

Was settled and sealed.

A cry of “War Eagle”

Soon echoed the plain.

Nick Saban’s expression

Was one of pure pain.

And in Tuscaloosa

You could hear a pin drop.

And in Tallahassee


For the night after Auburn

The Tide does not roll.

The new BOSS in town,